How to meet consumers’ expectations in the Data Ownership era?
In the webinar organized by Mercado Negro magazine, Advice Group has explored the digital tools that improve the brand-user relationship in the Cookieless era.

Advice Group CEO & Founder Fulvio Furbatto was the guest speaker in the webinar promoted by Mercado Negro, one of the most important Peruvian magazines specialized in Marketing and Advertising. Furbatto analyzed the evolution of the web, the concerns about the collection of consumer data and the solutions to generate brand trust and improve the brand-consumer relationship.
The webinar focused on Data Ownership and Data Trust, which are key to developing effective loyalty strategies in an era of unprecedented digital change.
The webinar by Mercato Negro was a great opportunity to share Advice Group's vision beyond the national borders. We wanted to give concrete answers to the questions raised by those marketers who are looking for new ways to engage consumers and respond to the Cookie Apocalypse.
How are companies and consumers approaching the Cookieless era?
On the one hand consumers are increasingly reluctant to share their personal data with the brands. On the other hand, brands are leaving social media because they are tired of providing information about their customers to third-party databases.
It is within this framework that brands should implement new loyalty strategies to attract consumers into their walled garden, that is to say protected proprietary digital environments where they can establish a solid relationship of trust with users, get to know them and give value back to them over time.
Do you want to watch the webinar?