Together with IP Gruppo Api, we are revolutionising the concept of loyalty in the petrol segment
The ipiù project is making loyalty democratic and inclusive to give value back to people, regardless of their fuel consumption.

For IP Gruppo Api's loyalty strategy, we have chosen to go against the traditional and transactional standards that usually characterise the petrol sector, to open a new chapter in terms of loyalty. IPIÙ is the behavioural loyalty programme designed for IP Gruppo Api. What makes the strategy unusual is that it pays attention to users considering more than just how much they refuel, instead integrating attitudes, tastes, and preferences that serve to also reward targets who by their nature are not high spenders.
Gamification plays a key role in this design because it makes it possible to actively engage people interacting with the app through editorial content, quizzes, and surveys that reveal their travel and consumption habits, as well as different kinds of information, making it possible to enrich each user's profile.
To achieve this, we have reimagined badges as a tool from an innovative perspective: they not only identify recurring habits, such as regularly reading educational content, but also make it possible to certify specific statuses, for example that of "motorcyclist", which are assigned based on the user's own declaration. This information makes it possible to further cluster IP Gruppo Api's database vertically, according to specific passions. For the first time, a petrol company is paying attention to a target group that is low-spending in terms of refuelling, instead particularly valuing collected information that enriches the database, in order to be able to monetise it more effectively.
It is also a revolution for motorcyclists, who can not only take advantage of the same opportunities as motorists within the loyalty programme, but can also enjoy relevant content and dedicated rewards related to the world of two wheels.
In a world that is undergoing a profound revolution driven by the advent of a cookieless future, it is a decisive tool for creating synergies with other companies willing to dialogue with specific portions of the public. Through this project, IP Gruppo Api is able to manage such information as a real media company, launching co-marketing campaigns with its own users as the focus target, thus becoming the first player in the sector to adopt a strategy aimed at data monetisation. This behavioural data is taking on a new relevance; in fact, it represents the new "oil" of our time when used in synergies with other companies.
The loyalty strategy runs in the "IP Stations" service app, which allows access to various features related to refuelling, thus guaranteeing frequent use of the app and easy access to the programme, reducing dormancy rates.
The app also works as an IP locator, which geolocates petrol stations, as well as stations that have been recently converted to electric. This service is part of a loyalty-inclusion process, where both traditional owners of endothermic vehicles and those who already have sustainable vehicles are entitled to the benefits of the programme. The novel features that generate retention also include the IP PAY service, which enables users to handle refuelling entirely digitally, from choosing the pump to paying. Finally, users can record each time they refuel on the app by entering their customer code before paying, an action that offers increasing opportunities to earn rewards: each time they refuel, users can try to win back the economic value they just spent.
Our democratic and inclusive loyalty concept does not therefore exclude the classic elements of transactionality, which for years have been used to retain the segments of the public that have higher consumption needs, but finally pays greater attention to all targets, even those that use hybrid modes of transport and would not be rewarded by a traditional programme.