Fast Moving Consumer Goods: what changes are happening in loyalty?
Today we’re talking about new trends in loyalty in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector. Here are our Loyalty Heroes: Vito Pace - Integrated Marketing Manager at Coca-Cola -- Annalisa Ferri - Marketing Director at Sammontana -- Paolo Frignani - Digital Marketing Manager at Grandi Salumifici Italiani -- Francesco Turriziani - Sales Director at Beiersdorf -- Pierpaolo Bironi - Digital Sales Channel Manager at Loacker.
A unique event organized by TEDxTorino in collaboration with Advice Group!
Moderator: Enrico Gentina - licensee and curator, TEDxTorino
Listen to all the Loyalty Revolution podcasts

Annalisa Ferri
"The closure of the Horeca channel has led to a profound shift in habits that are returning from out-of-home to in-home, to rebuild a normality that is still absent today. At the same time, however, the bar sector has not stood still, and has responded positively to the engagement activities that we’ve proposed. The loyalty processes that we’re foreseeing, both for generational and, above all, business issues, can no longer be linked to simple points collection mechanisms but must leverage the relationship with the merchant, stimulating him or her to become increasingly virtuous towards our brand."

Paolo Frignani
"The over-the-counter fresh produce sector has always been associated with a romantic concept: the shop or outlet where customers pointed at the product they wanted to buy. Today we’re seeing a big switch in which we’re increasingly moving towards consumption with a service element such as, for example, pre-sliced produce in packs, also bought through digital channels. Brands, which had always remained in the background, are now gaining and relevance and consumer awareness. This opens up huge opportunities to stimulate awareness and involve consumers in a dialogue about value based on the transparency of the company's production processes. Loyalty will certainly play a key role in this process.”

Pierpaolo Bironi
“Consumer buying habits have changed a lot. Even for our products, historically linked to the physical channel and subject to impulse purchasing, it has become essential to be able to also offer an e-commerce sales channel. This became particularly true for the B2B channel, where merchants needed a fast and reliable tool to make their purchases also outside the business context. From this point of view, our loyalty strategy is not based on price but on our ability to offer a quality service to support their business performance."

Vito Pace
"What we are experiencing is an ever-increasing attention to all online channels, both websites and e-commerce in general. It’s becoming essential for consumers to complete a complete journey, from search to conversion. We are also highlighting a strong growth trend linked to environmental sustainability. All the company's communication choices, new products, packs, and loyalty activities will go in this direction: confirming our ethical choice and a strong social commitment."

Francesco Turriziani
“Covid has profoundly changed people's consumption habits. On the one hand, the e-commerce boom has forced us to rethink the relative importance of distribution channels, especially online ones, to optimise management costs and meet consumer demands. On the other hand, people have developed a greater sensitivity to sustainability. Satisfying this need also involves offering products with "transparent" labels, which describe the raw materials and the product’s production path. For me, the challenge of loyalty today is the need to build an increasingly efficient and transparent relationship with the consumer."
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